
WE KNOW EATING WELL ISN’T ALWAYS EASY. It can be time consuming, costly & hard work. So let us welcome you to Well Made - meal prep service!

Well Made was created for everyone—busy families, seniors, young professionals, and college students. Well Made takes the hassle out of meal prepping, helping you to eat well every day.

  • Hi, I’m Raven All Runner, COO & Co-Owner of Well Made. I graduated from Southwest Minnesota State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Finance.

    Well Made is more than a dream to us, it’s a lifestyle change. When it comes to the business, I will be managing all the behind the scenes action, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out.

  • Hi, I’m Shay All Runner, CEO & Founder of Well Made. I graduated from Southwest Minnesota State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Culinology as well as a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition from Logan University.

    My culinary background goes back 14+ years. My passion for delicious, well-prepared, healthy, chef-curated foods and my commitment to educating and making a difference in my clients lives is my driving factor.